Successful teams are great -- fun for the participants, valuable to their organizations. However, successful teams don't happen by accident. They are the result of conscious effort on the part of the team leader and team members.
I've developed a list of 20 common sense questions that I use to assist my teambuilding clients in assessing their team effectiveness.
I suggest asking yourself and your teammates these same questions. Any question which you cannot answer with a resounding "yes" points to a potential problem for your team.
Use these questions to evaluate your team's effectiveness. Feel free to let me know what you learned.
For more common sense advice about teams and teamwork, go to my website
I'll see you around the web.
PS: I have a few extra copies of my book 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations. I'll give one to the first 10 people who e mail me with their mailing address. Send your e mails to [email protected]
Team Diagnostic
20 Common Sense Questions
To Ask Yourself and Your Teammates
1. Has our team established a purpose – a reason for the team’s existence?
2. How well is our team doing in living its purpose?
3. Does our team have the right members? Are the correct people and roles represented on the team?
4. Has our team adopted a set of procedural groundrules (meeting frequency, face to face meetings, teleconferences etc.)?
5. Has our team adopted a set of behavioral groundrules (how you will relate to and treat one another)?
6. Is there a clear contract on what team members expect from the leader and what the leader expects from the team?
7. Do members of our team trust one another?
8. Are members of our team flexible – are they willing to change their point of view for the good of the team?
9. Do members of our team recognize one another’s contributions to the team?
10. Do we have a sense of team spirit and esprit de corps?
11. Do team members act in a manner that indicates that they feel mutually accountable to one another for the success of the team?
12. How effective is our team in handling problems and setbacks?
13. Do all members participate equally in team decisions?
14. Do team members feel comfortable suggesting a controversial or dissenting opinion in team meetings?
15. How well does our team do in addressing and resolving conflicts among members?
16. Are team meetings are well planned? Do we stick to the agenda?
17. Does our team meet with enough frequency?
18. Has our team actively worked on getting to know one another and on building strong relationships?
19. Are people proud to be part of our team?
20. Does our team do a good job of managing relationships with our stakeholders?