I've come across quite a few things about leadership on the web over the past week. I liked some of them quite a bit, so I put together a composite of I've learned.
Essentially, this is a listing of leadership characteristics. It's not exhaustive, but any aspiring leader would do well to learn and emobdy them.
For more information on leadership, log on to my web site www.BudBilanich.com. I'll see you around the web.
Effective Leaders:
* Know themselves, their values and skills, and strengths and weaknesses.
* Are confident in meeting most challenges.
* Have a vision of where their group, company, community and society should be going.
* Are renewed by what they learn, and from their interactions with others.
* Can identify broad implications of their own and others actions.
* Believe that the way to success is through building an effective team.
* Are good at helping others build their capabilities.
* Empower and motivate others to do their best.
* Possess stamina, energy, tenacity and enthusiasm for their work.
* Have the courage to stand up for what they know is right, regardless of critics and detractors.
* Have high moral character; they know what is right and wrong and act accordingly.
* Are willing to take risks for the people and ideals in which they believe.
* Are able to present their ideas logically and effectively.
* Get their ideas adopted.
* Believe authority comes with responsibility.
* Are willing to assume responsibility for their actions and decisions.
* Achieve results through concentrating on clear goals over time.
* Build small successes into a larger whole.
* Have a healthy sense of humor, and the ability to laugh at themselves.
* Keep cynicism and sarcasm in check.
* Keep things in perspective.
* Know where they are in a process: how far they've come, how far they've got to go, and what needs to be done to get there.
* Know what's important in both the short and long run.
* Are flexible, responding to a variety of situations with appropriate skills, styles and behaviors.
* Listen actively to colleagues and co-workers; they hear not only their words but the feelings behind them.
* Maintain open, warm relationships with others,
* Encourage others with praise and genuine respect of their views and feelings.
* Provide others with clear feedback: reinforcing positive contributions, and redirecting problematic behavior.
* Help both sides in a dispute find a common ground on which solutions can be built.
* Facilitate interpersonal and group relationships.
* Lead and teach by example.
* Are good at helping groups maintain focus and discipline, while ensuring that all members have the opportunity to participate.