As I read or search the web, mentions of common sense always catch my eye. Recently, I came across some writing on common sense by Yorimoto-Tashi who is considered to be one of the three greatest statesmen in Japanese history. He was the founder of the first Japanese dynasty of Shoguns. In the late 12th century, he revised the Empire’s code of laws. He believed that the art of influencing others is the key to success and that common sense is a great influence tool.
Here are Yorimoto-Tashi’s thoughts on common sense…
Yorimoto-Tashi on Common Sense
Common sense is a composite consisting of:
- Perception
- Memory
- Thought
- Alertness
- Deduction
- Foresight
- Reason
- Judgment
There is a group of defined characteristics that are common to all people with good common sense:
- Ability to grasp situations
- Ability to concentrate
- Keenness of perception
- Exercise of the reasoning power
- Power of approximation
- Calmness
- Self control
Yorimoto-Tashi goes on to say “once mastered, these qualifications enable one to reap the reward of a fine and exalted sense, and of a practical common sense which sees things as they are and does things as they should be.”
Yorimoto-Tashi also says that “common sense is the crown of all faculties, Exercised vigilantly, it leads to progress and prosperity. Enthusiasm is a brittle as crystal, but common sense is as durable as brass.”
If Yorimoto-Tashi were alive today, I’d need to seek him out and offer him a position as my marketing person.
That’s it for today, thanks for reading. Log on to my website, for more common sense advice.
I’ll see you around the web, and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
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PPS: My new book, Fixing Performance Problems: Common Sense Ideas That Work is now available on If you're so inclined, I'd appreciate it if you would purchase a copy at $14.95. This will help me get my Amazon ratings up. Nice reviews are welcome too.