Today's USA Today has a review of a new book Crazy Busy: Overstretched, Overbooked and About to Snap.
Edward M. Hallowell, the author is a psychiatrist and specialist in Attention Deficit Disorder. This book sounds like a great read -- and a new perspective on time and stress management. I can't recommend it as I have not yet read it, but I am planning on buying and reading it. I'll post my thoughts here.
Michelle Archer, the reviewer lists some of Dr. Hallowell's predictions. Among them: Blogs will become powerful problem solving devices through the interconnection of millions of people -- and their collective brainpower...
One of my intentions when I began writing this blog over a year ago was to create an on line community where the discussion of ideas about careers, leadership and small business could flourish. I have been surprised and gratified by the reach of this blog. I have received comments and e mails from people all over the US, as well as Europe and Australia. On the other hand, most of the communication has been one way -- me to you, the readers.
A couple of weeks ago, I asked readers to send me their thoughts on what makes for effective leadership. With the exception of a few comments that I have posted here, my e mail in box has been silent on this subject. Nor have I received any comments posted to this blog.
I think Dr. Hallowell is correct, blogs can be a poserful problem solving device -- but only if there is two way communication.
I realize there is irony here. Crazy Busy points out that even people who do not suffer from ADD exhibit many of its symptoms -- and technology is at the root of this problem. I don't want to add to anyone's stress, but I would like to turn this blog into more of an open discussion forum than merely a collection of my thoughts.
I'd really like to hear from you about what I can do to make this happen.
That's it for today. Thanks for reading. For more common sense advice, log on to my website
I'll see you around the web and at Alex's Lemonade Stand.