I’m always on the lookout for real life examples and applications of the ideas in my book 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations in action. I saw one this weekend at the Sixth annual Rocky Mountain Rugby Challenge -- America’s Premier Under 19 Rugby Tournament…
Six years ago, Bruce “Herk” Koranski came up with the idea of creating a tournament that would allow USA Rugby officials and coaches to observe the best under 19 years of age rugby players in the country in a competitive situation. In this way, they would be in a position to make the best choices for the USA Under 19 National Rugby Side.
In 1999, the tournament had 4 teams. This year, 14 teams from all over the United States competed. There was even a Canadian team. Teams came from New York, California, the Midwest, and the Pacific Northwest. The eventual winners were from Louisiana – a group of young men who overcame a lot of adversity. Most of them spent their senior year of high school spread across the country because they were displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The Louisiana coach had nine feet of water in his house after the storm. All of his rugby memorabilia was destroyed.
I know you’re saying “this is all very interesting, but what does it have to do with 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations?” OK. I’ll tell you. The 4 secrets are:
• Clarity of purpose and direction
• The sincere commitment of everyone involved
• Skillful execution of the things that matter
• Mutually beneficial relationships with important outside constituencies.
Let’s look at these one at a time, and how Herk used them to create a spectacular event.
Herk had a dream – to create a tournament that would showcase the best under 19 rugby players in the USA, in order to facilitate selections for the USA Under 19 rugby side. He was very clear on what he wanted to achieve. This year, 12 USA Under 19 competed in this tournament.
Commitment is about engagement. In successful, high performing organizations, every person is fully engaged and committed to the organization’s purpose and goals. Running a large sporting event like this takes hours of preparation and work. Herk recruited a small army of committed, engaged volunteers from the Denver rugby community. These volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure that the tournament was a success. Without these committed volunteers, the tournament would not have happened.
Execution is about details – securing lodging for the players, making sure the matches went off on time, ensuring that each match had one referee and two linesmen, getting close to 600 people fed in an orderly manner at the Saturday banquet, securing a motivational speaker for the banquet, arranging sponsorships to defray costs etc. etc. etc. Herk is a master of organization. All games began on time (something akin to a miracle in a sport where “rugby time” generally means 30 to 45 minutes late). The banquet was scheduled to run from 7:00 – 9:00. It began promptly at 7:00. Ushers were there to ensure that the 600 people got through the buffet lines in an orderly fashion. Players all got seconds. The program included the awarding of four scholarships, an address by the USA Rugby Under 19 Coach, and a motivational talk by Gary Lambert, one of the most famous USA Rugby players. It concluded promptly at 9:00. Clean up was the last thing on Sunday. The Aurora Sports Complex was left in pristine condition – ensuring that the tournament would be welcome there again next year.
An event of this size and magnitude needs sponsors to make it go. Herk and his team built strong relationships with the Red Lion Hotel who hosted the players and banquet; Kudu Rugby Supplies who provided the necessary equipment for the matches; Yanni’s Greek Taverna who provided the trophies; and several other local businesses who placed ads in the tournament program. And, that’s not even mentioning all of the volunteers who gave their time and effort.
In 1999, Herk started with a dream to create the premier Under 19 rugby event in the USA. He has succeeded. A letter from the President of the Pacific Northwest Rugby Union pretty demonstrates just how successful.
- “Youth rugby clubs play annual dues to the union. We give 100% of it back to the Under 19 coaches to use as they see fit. They choose your event for the boys. That is a direct reflection of the show you put on…Keep up the great work and thank you”.
Prior to the tournament, Jerry Molina, the Head Coach of the Louisiana Under 19 Rugby Side – the eventual winners, sent a letter that said in part:
- “Many of us were displaced from our area and homes by Hurricane Katrina. Getting a squad together has been a challenge, but we will be there. This tournament is a fantastic event.”
As I mentioned, at the Saturday night banquet, Herk introduced 12 USA Under 19 team players who were participating in the tournament. Remember, one of his original goals was to showcase the best under 19 rugby players in the country. He has succeeded.
The tournament was a success, because Bruce Koranski successfully employed the 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations – without even knowing he was employing them. He couldn't have done a better job if he had hired me as a consultant. Afterall, the 4 Secrets are just common sense. But, as I am always quick to point out, it usually takes a lot of hard work to use your common sense and make it work.
You can make your organization -– non profit, church, community or business -- a success by using your common sense and the 4 Secrets. If you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and put in the necessary time and effort, that is.
Try the 4 secrets, they work – if you do.
That’s it for today. Thanks for reading. Log on to my website, www.BudBilanich.com for more common sense life and career advice.
I’ll see you around the web, and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
PS: In case you missed it I am holding a virtual Alex’s Lemonade Stand. I am offering a signed copy of my book 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations ($14.95 cover price) to anyone who makes a donation of at least $10.00. I will send signed copies of the library of the six business books I’ve written to anyone who donates $50.00 or more.
I would really welcome your support. This is an especially important issue for me, as I am a cancer survivor myself.
Please take a moment to visit my online fundraising page and make a donation. It's really easy - you can donate by credit card and receive a record of your donation. Here’s my page:
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As of today, I have raised $1,770. That’s $730 short of my goal of $2,500. We’re making slow, but steady progress towards the goal. Please make a donation if you can.
Also, I owe books to some of you. I am waiting for a shipment of “Fixing Performance Problems” from my publisher. I will get your books in the mail to you as soon as I have a complete set to send. Thanks for your patience.