Recently, Right Management conducted a survey of 273 companies. Respondents were asked to list the most common mistakes they make in hiring and promoting managers and executives. Here are the results…
Most Common Mistakes in Hiring and Promoting Managers and Executives
- 43% of respondents cited inadequate definition of the roles and competencies critical to success.
- 41% of respondents cited insufficient grooming of high potential employees through coaching, mentoring, and training programs.
- 29% of respondents cited the use of overly subjective selection criteria and unreliable assessment tools.
- 27% cited too much focus on the basic job requirements with too little focus on less apparent skills such as morale and team building.
- 20% cited inadequate consideration of candidates from outside the organization.
Here are some common sense actions you can take to avoid these mistakes:
- Before filling a job, make sure you clearly define it. What role will the incumbent play? What are the competencies most critical for success in that role?
- Identify your high potential employees early. Provide them with the training and coaching necessary to help them hit the ground running when they step into a new and more demanding role.
- Use the critical success competencies you’ve defined for a job in the interviewing process. Use a panel of interviewers. Ask each interviewer to concentrate on one or two critical competencies.
- Remember, the higher one goes in an organization, the less important technical skills become. Look for candidates with leadership as well technical skills. If all candidates meet basic technical skills, choose the one who demonstrates the best leadership skills.
- If you like to promote from within, don’t forget there are a lot of people out there who can bring a fresh perspective to your organization. If you typically hire outsiders, look inside – you’ll probably be surprised at the talent you’ll find.
That’s it for today. Thanks for reading. Log on to my website, for more common sense leadership advice.
I’ll see you around the web, and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
PS: In case you missed it I am holding a virtual Alex’s Lemonade Stand. I am offering a signed copy of my book 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations ($14.95 cover price) to anyone who makes a donation of at least $10.00. I will send signed copies of the library of the six business books I’ve written to anyone who donates $50.00 or more.
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Also, I owe books to some of you. I am waiting for a shipment of “Fixing Performance Problems” from my publisher. I will get your books in the mail to you as soon as I have a complete set to send. Thanks for your patience.