I posted this piece yesterday, but a server problem caused it to be accidentally deleted. I am reposting it here today.
Personal impact is one of the five points in my career star power model. Knowing and using proper etiquette is a big part of making a positive personal impact. Recently, I came across an article in the Denver Post entitled A Primer for Houseguests: Yes, We’re Talking About You, written by Marni Jameson.
Ms. Jameson makes some great points about the etiquette of being a houseguest. She also has a sense of humor. I decided to post her thoughts here because people who make a positive personal impact do so in all aspects of their lives – not just in business…
Ten Rules of Conduct for Houseguests
- Treat your host’s home as you would like others to treat your home – not the way you actually treat your home.
- A short stay with long notice beats a long stay with short notice.
- Wear two accessories at all times: antennae to pick up vibes and special glasses to read between the lines.
- Come bearing gifts; leave bearing gifts.
- If the hosts have been making every meal, take them out to dinner and pay.
- When you’re out on the town, pick up something simple for the house: a bottle of wine, some great bread, cheese or a confection.
- Remember that just because you’re on vacation, doesn’t mean your hosts are. Don’t expect to be entertained 24/7.
- Make your bed, Put the toilet seat down. Hang up your wet towels.
- Don’t try to change anyone’s religious or political beliefs.
- Even if they tell you that you’re no trouble, assume that you are.
This is some good, common sense advice on how to be a houseguest with grace and aplomb. Read this list over the next time you’re invited to stay at a friend’s place.
That’s it for today. Thanks for reading. Log on to my website www.BudBilanich.com for more common sense career advice.
I’ll see you around the web, and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
wish i could remember ashtray in parents' guestroom- something to the effect:
“Remember, on Sunday, when we ask you, please, to spend another night, we don’t mean it!
Posted by: david | July 13, 2006 at 08:59 AM