Strong, mutually beneficial relationships withimportant outside constituencies are one of my 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations. I find that remembering my customer’s birthdays is a simple but effective way to stay in touch with them. It’s a very good relationship building tool.
Lately, several customers and friends have had birthdays. I use a web based service called Reminder Spot to keep up with birthdays. I haven’t missed a customer or client birthday since I’ve begun using Reminder Spot.
Reminder Spot is easy to use – it took me a few minutes to enter the names and dates of my relatives, friends and customers. I have it set up to provide me with a reminder one week before someone’s birthday. Reminder Spot also sends me an e mail reminder on the day of the birthday.
The basic service is free – Reminder Spot makes its money from affiliate programs that provide gifts you can order on line, and from their premium service. The free service is all that I need.
Reminder Spot even provides free e cards, so you can send birthday greetings at the last minute. You can purchase e cards too, but I find that the free ones work just fine. They are humorous and give you the opportunity to write a custom greeting to the recipient.
I have begun to send both snail mail and e cards to my customers. In this way, the customer always gets greetings from me on his or her birthday – regardless of the US Mail or company mail room peculiarities. I’ve never had anyone complain about getting two birthday greetings from me. I don’t know about you, but I still like to open an old fashioned card on my birthday.
The common sense point here – keep in touch with customers, suppliers, and other important constituents by remembering their birthdays. Reminder Spot is a simple, but effective way of doing so.
I enjoy sending birthday greetings, because I like receiving birthday greeitngs. If you’re reading this, and would like birthday greetings from The Common Sense Guy, just send me an e mail with your birthday and e mail address. Reminder Spot and I will take it from there. I’ll send you an e card on your birthday.
That’s it for today. Thanks for reading. Log on to my website for more leadership common sense. Check out my other blog for common sense advice on becoming the life and career star you are meant to be.
I’ll see you around the web, and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
PS: Speaking of Alex’s Lemonade Stand – my fundraising page is still open. Please go to to read Alex’s inspiring story and to donate if you can.