Frontier flight 862, Denver to Phoenix; I get on late because I’m on standby trying to get an earlier flight. I have a middle seat, 14 B. When I arrive at row 14 there are two women sitting in seats A and C. I say hello, stow my bags and get into my seat.
The woman in 14 A, Cheryl Munsey, smiles at me, looks at the book I have in my hand, and says “that looks like an interesting book”. I’m rereading Suzi Pomerantz’ book Seal the Deal which I reviewed earlier this week. We chat a minute about the book and then lapse into some general conversation.
Cheryl is an associate for Isagenix, a health and nutrition company. She is on her way to Phoenix to participate in a four day train the trainer program. She is one of only a 100 people in her company chosen to participate in this event.
As it turns out, Cheryl and I know a few people in common. And, she’s very personable. We chat the whole time the plane is taxiing, and through take off.
As soon as the plane is in the air, the woman in 14 C rings the flight attendant call button. The flight attendant makes an announcement on the loud speaker saying, “we are still in our ascent, will the person who rang his or her call button turn it off until we reach our cruising altitude. Leave it on, only if it’s a real emergency".
Ms. 14 C leaves the light on. I’m worried that she might be ill. The flight attendant struggles down the aisle. When she arrives at our row, Ms. 14 C says “I need a pair of headphones, these people are talking too much and driving me crazy”. As she is saying this, she is removing ear plugs.
I feel bad about this. I tend to speak softly in crowded, enclosed places like airplanes, and was surprised that our conversation was annoying her – especially when she was wearing ear plugs. I say to Ms. 14 C, "I apologize if we were annoying you. I didn’t realize we were speaking so loudly”. She says, “I was trying to sleep”, and puts on the headphones that the flight attendant gave her.
30 seconds later, she rings the call button again. When the flight attendant comes back, she says, “I need another pair, these aren’t drowning out these people”. I thought this was kind of peculiar. Both Cheryl and I were stunned. We hadn’t said anything since her original comment that we were speaking too loudly.
All of this should just go into one of those irritating, bizarre moments in life, and be forgotten. However, it makes a point about which I have posted several times: personal responsibility and interpersonal competence.
The woman in 14 C never told Cheryl and I that we were disturbing her sleep. Instead, she chose to complain to the flight attendant about our conversation. It came across to both Cheryl and me as a pretty hostile gesture. We both wondered why she just didn’t ask us to speak more softly as we were disturbing her sleep. That’s what an interpersonally competent person would have done. That’s what someone who was taking responsibility for herself and her needs would have done.
It’s called being assertive. Assertive people stand up for their rights, but do it in such a way that they do not offend other people. Passive people let others trample on them, and don’t stand up for their rights. Aggressive people get what they want, but at the expense of others. In this case, Ms. 14 C was being aggressive – she complained to the flight attendant about our conversation, without first letting us know that we were making it difficult for her to sleep. And, she wouldn't accept my apology when I offered it.
The common sense point here – the two common sense points actually; 1) take responsibility for yourself. Tell people how you feel. Don’t let others do things that make your life unpleasant. 2) Stand up for yourself in an assertive, not aggressive way. Life doesn't have to be difficult or unpleasant. We all can control how we react to the things that happen to us.
That’s it for today. Thanks for reading. Log on to my website for more common sense. Check out my other blog: for common sense advice on becoming a success in your life and career.
I’ll see you around the web, and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
PS: Speaking of Alex’s Lemonade Stand – my fundraising page is still open. Please go to to read Alex’s inspiring story and to donate if you can.
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