Bob Prosen is a friend of mine and author of a great book Kiss Theory Goodbye. I’m visiting Washington DC right now – a little business, and a mini vacation – so an article in Bob’s most recent newsletter caught my eye. I’ve posted it below.
Washington Needs A CEO Injection: Kick Politics Aside and Run The Country Like A Business!
"Enough is enough! Stop the madness! Washington is officially out of control and Americans are sick and tired of the transparent political games, anger, mistrust, quest for power and overall ineffectiveness. It's time for a real change not another reshuffling of chairs or acceptance of hollow promises from our elected officials that they'll work cooperatively across the aisle to accomplish what's best for our country.
"There is a better way. But it requires courage to integrate some of battle proven business practices that are the core of America's strength.
"The federal government should turn to top industry CEOs who have successfully led their companies to achieve extraordinary results. These leaders have made their fortunes and have the time and capability to help lead this nation.
"Here are a few of the areas where sound business leadership can make a profound and positive difference:
- Create a culture of accountability.
- Balance the budget and live within our means as CEOs do with their companies quarter after quarter.
- Drive out inefficiencies. Start with the post office then move to on to every other bureaucracy that's not working.
- Hire people smarter than their pay grade.
- Aggressively manage poor performers to achieve their objectives or exit.
- Ensure program investments yield committed returns and hold leaders accountable for measurable results.
- Reward creativity.
- Implement pay for performance and remove the entitlement mentality.
- Freeze headcount increases until productivity measures are achieved."
That’s what Bob has to say. I pretty much agree with him. On the other hand, I’m also not so sure how easy it would be to implement these common sense suggestions in today’s entrenched Federal bureaucracy.
To make these types of large scale changes in Washington – or any organization – leaders need to be able to do three things:
- Make sure that everyone involved with the change understands the change – why it is necessary, how it will affect them, what they need to do to make the change work.
- Make sure that everyone involved with the change accepts the change. People must become committed to making the change work. (This is probably the biggest problem with making large scale change in Washington).
- Make sure that everyone involved with the change can do what they need to do to make the change work. Change means that people will have to learn and use new skills. Sometimes this means that massive training is necessary for a change to succeed.
Whether you’re in Washington, or just trying to make some changes in the department or small business you run, you’ll need to follow the common sense understand, accept, do model of change management. Like a lot of common sense, it’s conceptually simple. But it takes a lot of determination, focus and stick-to-it-iveness to make it work.
That’s it for today. Thanks for reading. Log on to my website for more common sense. Check out my other blog: for common sense advice on becoming the career and life success you are meant to be.
I’ll see you around the web, and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
PS: Speaking of Alex’s Lemonade Stand – my fundraising page is still open. Please go to to read Alex’s inspiring story and to donate if you can.