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December 20, 2007


Ina Matijevic

Merry Christmas and Happy New 2008 Year to You, dear Bud and to Your wife Cathy !!!

World is happy to have You!


Madame Monet

I loved this story about how they solved the boulder problem in St. Petersburg! Where did you ever find this story?

Madame Monet
Writing, Painting, Music, and Wine

Resume Writer

WOW! That story shows just how creative we can be if we keep our minds open to the possibilities. I'm from New Orleans and lost my home and possessions due to Hurricane Katrina. Thankfully, my "job" is running and managing my online resume writing service (

My parents, wife and I are in Nashville and not going back. I have faced the challenge of building my business, acclimating myself to a new city, all the while managing our and my parents' FEMA documentation and other disaster-related paperwork. It seemed at times that I had that "bolder" to move as well, but knew that faith and ingenuity would get it done.

Things are better now and life is stabilizing, but the experience has taught me that anything is possible if you are open to it. Thanks for the story!
William Mitchell, CPRW
The Resume Clinic
Get a free resume critique:

web tasarimi

thank you for article

Don Sabatini

Nice article.


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Hurda Demir
Hurda Metal

home based travel agency

wow. Thanks a lot for these comments. :)
I love the way you told me how to work :)

Agenda Software

yeah you are right..!!
Common sense is really necassary to live life happily ;)

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