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December 12, 2007


Resume Writer

Hi Bud,

As a fellow solo-act entrepreneur, this post interests me alot. I am wondering if I need a VA as well. Much of my time is spent managing my lists of contacts and newsletter recipients, but it is mostly names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers. I rarely have the time to enter the mailing address of clients and I will need to do this to fuel holiday mailings, which is something I very much wish to do.

But I am not sure what a VA would be able to do for me on an ongoing basis. I have writers who writer the resumes (I proof and provide final approval), and I work the website and blog (, but other than that, it's returning phone calls/e-mails to explain our services to clients.

But I digress. What I wanted to comment on was the fact that I too have a goal for the new year which involves more efficient management of personal and business life. I need to get back into the gym and decided that I would block aside 3 mornings a week to do so. But in order for this to work, I have promised myself that I won't even check my e-mail until I am in the car and on the way to the gym. I have one of those smartphones and can check e-mail anywhere, but if I am in the car, I can't get bogged down answering unimportant ones.

I have also committed myself to developing consistency with my internet marketing and website work.

So far, so good ...
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Nicholas Finnegan

I have too!! Its been difficult but im not going to give up!
I offer a free report for self esteem sufferers:

I went through a suicidal time in my life and since overcame it for myself I really wanted to help people so thats why I started. Hope we all succeed. :D

Agenda Software

Thanks a lot for thi useful post.i like it, I am going to share it on my facebook pages.

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