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« A Little Bit of Common Sense Can Move Mountains -- or Boulders at Least | Main | Common Sense Guy Overview »

January 07, 2008


David Zinger

And what a ride it was. Thank you for your perspective, ideas, tips, insights, and providing so much common sense that just isn't all that common! What a wonderful job.

Patsi Krakoff, The Blog Squad

Bud, my advice would be to leave this up. You can't imagine or know how many links there are out there to this blog and they will be broken when you take the blog down.

By leaving it up, you continue to provide common sense guidance to people who seek it. Your good words will continue to work even though you are not continuing to write new stuff.

I understand that keeping up two blogs is too much especially since you've always been so content rich and provided meaty posts.

I really make a strong case for leaving this blog in place for others to see as they search for meaning and common sense.

Ina Matijevic


I will stay your reader and enjoy your thoughts in other link.

''Food for mood''

Common Sense Guy is very warm, cute, emotional, reachable and always reminds me on Your personality.

I personally conect You with this.
When somebody says on croatian '' zdrav razum'' which means common sense, i say to myself ''Bud Bilanich guy:-)

So, I would marry that link with this name on it.

Dave Navarro


David Z. is right. You should leave this blog up and leverage all the links it has accumulated. Redirectng this domain will only lower your search engine rankings.

This post closes the blog nicely and redirects to your new blog; no use shutting it down.


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