Success is an Attitude

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Success is an Attitude

  • succes is an attitude

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May 19, 2008


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Joseph Jude

Bud: I had the privilege of having such mentors in my life - my dad and my bosses pushed me to a level where I would've never reached otherwise. True it wasn't easy as I went through each of those phase; but looking back, I can say that, that was the best thing that happened to my life.


Bud Bilanich

Thanks for your comment. I, for one, am constantly amazed at how much smarter my father is now than when I was a teenager.
Besides that, if a mentor won't push you, he or she is not helping as much as he or she could. The best mentors I have had have been pretty tough on me. When I asked why, they told me that I wasn't hard enough on myself, so they had to be. That was some pretty sobering advice.
Thanks again for reading and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate your input.

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