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Success is an Attitude

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May 26, 2008


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Madame Monet

As a former Denver resident, and a former art museum member (in the 1980's) I very much enjoyed your post on the art museum tickets. I can only imagine how much both the city and museum have grown if exhibits are now "sold out!"

A very inspiring post on "Ask and thy shall receive," or "Don't give up without asking."

You are right--self-confident people are willing to "risk" being told "no," in order to feel they have pursued all avenues, and if they are told "no," they don't take it personally. Non-self-confident people DO take it personally, which is why they aren't willing to take the risk of being told "no" by asking.

Very inspiring post.

Madame Monet
Writing, Painting, Music, and Wine

Bud Bilanich

Madame Monet:
Thanks for your comment.
I saw some beautiful Monet's (any relation to you?) on Sunday -- some Manet's too for that matter.
The Denver Art Museum did a huge expansion a couple of years ago. The new part of the museum reminds me of a jet in flight. The old part still looks like a midevial (sp?)fortress.
I wholeheartedly agree with what you have to say about confidence. Usually things aren't personal, but a lack of confidence tends to make you think they are. I appreciate your very thoughtful response.
PS -- Come to Denver. Cathy and I will take you to the DAM and the new Center for the Peforming Arts -- and if the season is right, a Bronco's game.


Good point. I use a similar point when I do my Orientations (I'm a Director for ITT Tech). I talk about a time I got to see Donald Driver (#80 for the Green Bay Packers) speak. He was giving a presentation to over 1,000 people in an auditorium when all of a sudden someone started yelling his name from the crowd. He stopped and asked what he could do for her. She said in a humble voice, "Can I have tickets for the game this weekend?" Honestly, how many times do you think pro athletes get asked this? He told her I'll have two tickets at will call for you. As he went on someone else yelled his name. THe audience thinking she'd ask for tickets all groaned and laughed. She said, "Donald, I don't need tickets, but could I have a hug?" He went down to her in the audience and gave her a hug. A few more minutes went by and a guy in the way back yelled down to him and said, "Donald, I don't need tickets, and I don't need a hug, but could my staff shake your hand, I brought them today and I think it would really motivate them." Donald said of course and shook everyone of their hands. Because people had the courage to ask, someone got to go to a game, a woman got a hug from a pro athlete she looked up to, and a group of people got to shake his hand. Questions are powerful when you use them. Thanks for the good article-Regards William Vinson

Bud Bilanich

Great story. Thanks for sharing it. I like the fact that asking for -- and getting -- what you want can be contagious.
All the best,

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