Success is an Attitude

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Success is an Attitude

  • succes is an attitude

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March 04, 2009


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Tricia Molloy

Hi, Bud:

Thanks for sharing my "CRAVE Your Goals!" system with your readers. I enjoyed reading your comments about each step.

Tristan's comment about common sense not equaling common practice is so true. People often think these practices are too easy to work. They assume achieving goals always takes hard work and a bit of suffering. What I suggest is to start with the one CRAVE step that resonates the most--like cleaning out some clutter or using an affirmation--and that will give you the energy and clarity to try another step until all five steps become a habit.

To more common sense!


Bud Bilanich

I love your CRAVE goal setting and achievment system. I'm glad you liked what I wrote in my post. After reading your article, I have a new affirmation -- "I CRAVE my goals."
Thanks for your comment.
All the best,

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Career and Life Success

Straight Talk For Success