Success is an Attitude

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Success is an Attitude

  • succes is an attitude

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March 27, 2009


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Glenn C.

When I was growing up, I marveled at the number of people my father knew. He said "hello" to everyone, and seemed to find friends everywhere he went. The more I think about it now, it is apparent that Dad was the kind of person who unconsciously considered everyone a friend.
Now, my daughter remarks, to me, that I, too, seem to know people everywhere we go. I am friendly to everyone, and therefore they seem, to her, like friends.

Aside from "making friends for success," this makes for an optimistic, pleasant life.

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They are bosses that they only focus in those employees that are friend of him. So they get the best that the company can give.

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That is making connection with friends that contribute a big part to your business cycle.

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