Success is an Attitude

  • succes is an attitude

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Success is an Attitude

  • succes is an attitude

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March 30, 2009


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Laurie | Express Yourself to Success

You're right - successful people tend to be optimists and have a positive outlook (and 'inlook'). In return, they attract similar positive, self-confident people so their network is more likely to be cooperative and active.

Finding a mentor to help you along the way is good advice; they make the learning curve less steep and their experience is extremely valuable.

Bud Bilanich

Thanks for your comment.
And I love your word "inlook." Very creative and appropriate.
I'll check out your site.
All the best,

Everything Counts

A positive energy always helps in positive thinking. Without a positive thought, even starting on a job can be very difficult, leave alone completing it.

Bud Bilanich

Right on once again. Positive thoughts are the starting place for success.
Thanks for the comment.

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