Success is an Attitude

  • succes is an attitude

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Success is an Attitude

  • succes is an attitude

« Think "WE" for Success | Main | First Impressions and Success »

July 20, 2009


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Fat Burning Diet Researcher

Yes - confidence is a state of mind and we can manage our states of mind in order to increase confidence.

One way to increase confidence is to increase self image. Your physical appearance is a component of your self image. To be congruent with your self image, you must keep your physical appearance up.

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currently there are many natural products as both drugs for the reduction of body fat, now the extent to which the population has been encouraged in the health care personnel and the implementation of such products? It would be important to do ... It would be fantastic to be given this in the general population.

Bi Sadong

Positive state of mind is the key for me to achieve all my dreams together with confidence, faith and gratitude. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information.

Peg Perego Primo Viaggio

I agree on what Bi Sadong said Positive state of mind is the key of our success!

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Positive Daily affirmations need to be powerful, after all you are giving yourself a subliminal pep talk and these daily positive affirmations need to be energetic and emphatic.


Very interesting post!


I completely agree about affirmations, and I find myself using them frequently even when I don't realize. I just started writing a blog about how to get yourself into a Positive State of Mind, and positive affirmations will certainly be on that page at some point! I'm sure I'll pull a few ideas from your article and include them!

Check out my blog:


Excellent, and yeah of course that's why weak people (sadly) will not survive in this world and if they make it, they will suffer for all life.


I'd say this is confidence, that quotation made feel better because we have to trust in ourselves because that's the only one way to reach our purposes.

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This is a great post, so true and accurate what was written, it is all in our heads.

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