Positive personal impact is one of the keys to career and life success that I’ve discussed in a few of my books: Straight Talk for Success, Your Success GPS and 42 Rules to Jumpstart Your Professional Success. If you want to create positive personal impact, you need to do three things. First, develop and nurture your unique personal brand. Second, be impeccable in your presentation of self – in person and on line. Third, know and follow the basic rules of etiquette.
First impressions are incredibly important in your presentation of self. Diane Craig is a friend of mine. She is also a North American leader in image and etiquette, and President of Corporate Class Inc. Diane has put together a free Teleseminar: How to Create a Professional and Image Plan which will take place on Tuesday, July 28 at 1:00 EDT. You can register at:
In this teleseminar Diane will share the critical elements you need to have in place to project your own look of success. You can become the architect of your own image plan by following Diane’s expert advice and simple steps.
Diane has been in business for over 20 years, providing corporate consultations and helping hundreds of men and women realize their professional and personal goals. She is a sought after speaker at international business meetings and regularly gives comprehensive workshops to Fortune 500 corporate groups. Diane is a regular contributor to magazines, the daily press, radio and television broadcasts. She has appeared on newscasts for comment on business conduct, dress codes, and politician and celebrity attire. Besides that, she’s really cool. Diane is one of my favorite people, and my favorite Canadian
Diane will be joined on the teleseminar by guest speaker Paul Copcutt. Paul has been recognized by Forbes as a global leader in personal branding. He is a much sought after speaker and media resource. Paul has been interviewed by Reuters and The Wall Street Journal and regularly appears in The (Toronto) Globe & Mail.
Go here to register for Diane and Paul’s teleseminar:
The common sense point here is simple. Successful people create positive personal impact. People who create positive personal impact develop and nurture their unique personal brands and are impeccable in their presentation of self. Diane Craig, President of Corporate Class Inc, has an amazing free teleseminar on personal branding and creating a personal image plan. You should check it out.
That’s my take on the importance of personal branding and your presentation of self. What’s yours? Please take a few minutes to leave a comment sharing your thoughts with us. Even better, listen to Diane Craig’s free teleseminar and share the most important point you learned there. As always, thanks for reading.