Success is an Attitude

  • succes is an attitude

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Success is an Attitude

  • succes is an attitude

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July 22, 2009


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JoAnn Corley

Hi Bud, I absolutely echo your comments on outstanding performance. Outstanding performance just does not happen, it has to have a plan and a target to harness all our personal resources to that outcome.

I'd like to offer one other key and that is from time to time get a coach. There are times when we'll need independent input to help us see our blind spots and accelerate our achievement.

Additionally, regular personal assessment to keep our goals current. There is a unique approach I use as a management and career coach that your blog readers might find helpful, which can be found here:

Thanks for your great advice!
JoAnn Corley


The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.

This was from Michelangelo

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Goal Realization

Great Site!

Many people are so confused that they don't know what, where, when, and how to start attaining their dreams in life.

The question remains: "How do I go about achieving my goals?"

The most important thing to do before setting a goal is to develop the proper mindset. By conditioning your thoughts to the direction of your goals, you will be able to eliminate all obstacles that come in your way and you will be able to achieve all your goals in spite of the pending challenges ahead.

You will realize your goals if you are bold enough to come out of your comfort zone and if you maintain that laser-like focus despite people telling you that you can never attain them.

Fbf System

Awesome! You just expanded my mind. Achieving goals is very important for success.

Instant Performer

I really like such inspirational texts. Thank You, Bud.

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why you don't apply these thing in your life Bud ? you didn't anything important in your whole life.

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