Success is an Attitude

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Success is an Attitude

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July 14, 2009


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Although the original story (and most of the ones that followed) about Stacy Snyder made it sound like Millersville University denied her teaching degree because of the photo, MU actually did so because the school where Stacy was student teaching did not pass her as a student teacher. This meant that Stacy did not have all the minimum requirements to become a teacher. MU's hands were tied by state law. However, I don't think that undercuts Bud's points at all.

Bud Bilanich

Thanks for the clarification. I had the impresssion that the MySpace post was one of the reasons she did not pass her student teaching. From reading the judge's verdict, I understand that she wasn't that great of a teacher either.
It sounds as if Ms. Snyder has a lot of career issues -- not just creating positive personal impact.
I really appreciate your comment.
All the best,

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I think that Stacy violated basic rule of etiquette by posting negative comments about her supervising teacher, it was the main fact in this topic to b considered.m10m

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