This is my second post today, and as you know, I rarely do two posts in one day. However, I wanted to alert you to a great new book and wonderful offer from my friend Peggy McColl. If you purcahse "attract the Abundance You Deserve" tomorrow -- May 1 -- you'll not only get this great book, you'll get tons of bonuses.
Check out this letter from Peggy's publicist...
Why do we live without the things we desire most?
It’s incredibly sad to think that the majority of the population lives in “lack”. It doesn’t have to be that way. Abundance is available for everyone. It is certainly available for you. Did you know that you were born rich? Well, it’s true and Peggy McColl will reveal this shocking truth to you.
New York Times Best-Selling Author Peggy McColl has just released a powerful and revealing new book 21 Distinctions of Wealth with the appropriate subtitle: “Attract the Abundance You Deserve.”
This is a breakthrough book that can change the way you feel about money and help you engage in the powerful force that is already inside of you to draw to you that which you desire.
Is it really that simple? Let Peggy McColl give you these profound 21 Distinctions of Wealth and you’ll discover for yourself just how simple it really is.
This means that no matter what your present financial situation, and no matter what has occurred in the past, the opportunity for you is right now – NOW you can make positive adjustments to help you turn your financial situation around for the better.
Imagine what it would be like to be rich; to have no money worries! Can you imagine it right now? What would it be like for you to feel and enjoy unlimited abundance? What does it mean to your family?
It feels good! And, I can tell you, your family would enjoy it, too.
This is a huge breakthrough in wealth consciousness. That's why when I took at a look at this, I exclaimed, "Oh my! This will change the world."
This book is destined to become a classic and quite likely will appear on every desk... in every office...every school...every nightstand. It should also be in the hands of everyone you know.
You see... author Peggy McColl has created a simple system for you to attract more abundance into your life—starting immediately.
Do you want to know the secret to attracting more abundance? Peggy McColl has the answer for you in 21 Distinctions of Wealth.
Up until now, most books on wealth creation have overlooked the powerful forces available inside each of us that you can use to manifest all that you desire.
In 21 Distinctions of Wealth, Peggy clearly explains time-tested principles for creating wealth, providing guidance on how to alter your behaviors and emotions to actually change the nature of your relationship with the powerful stream of abundance that you can tap into at any time.
As Peggy McColl demonstrates in her new book, you can actually transform your energy vibration and send a clear message to the Universe that you’re ready to claim your financial birthright.
Best of all— the Universe’s response to the modifications you make internally can be startlingly quick!
It’s not enough, though, to simply understand what sets those who are already enjoying a rich and plentiful life apart from those who are weighed down by a feeling of lack. Peggy offers you practical and proven advice on how to apply these 21 Distinctions of Wealth and become a money magnet—starting now!
I’m so convinced that this book can change your experience with money in the most glorious of ways!
When you invest in one copy today, you will receive...
* Immediate access to the downloadable version of Peggy’s double CD program called Magnet for Money
* A 3-minute video you can play on your computer to rewire your brain for more abundance
Plus, a plethora of valuable wealth-related bonus gifts AND you get the chance to win some amazing prizes!
This is more than a book!
As a goal-achieving coach, Peggy realized that having wealth is an important goal for many people. She wanted people to learn and understanding how to attract wealth into their lives because everyone deserves it— and that includes YOU!
She was inspired to write 21 Distinctions of Wealth because she personally found it extremely helpful for her own success to work with a “system” to embed these powerful beliefs into every fiber of her being....a way to make these distinctions a part of everyday life. Therefore, Peggy has delivered a unique way to have YOU experience these distinctions every single day with her unique system.
and to make you even more “rich”...
...More than 100 authors and new thought leaders will give you wealth-related bonuses that support you having a wonderful, rich life of abundance and peace. (These alone are valued at more than $3000!)
Through these additional resources, you will understand how to be richer and raise your level of abundance from so many perspectives that it would be nearly impossible for you not to radically improve your life!
Order your book right now by going to:
Are you ready to be richer?
I am absolutely convinced of the power within this book. I hope my passion, sincerity, and conviction comes through in this letter. I hope you grab this opportunity to add more abundance in your life—for so few dollars right now.
Take that step, and order your own personal copy of Peggy McColl’s 21 Distinctions of Wealth and come back to enter the prize drawing and to claim your additional resources.
Be sure to thank whoever may have forwarded this e-mail to you – and forward it to YOUR friends, too. And do write Peggy and me about your experiences with 21 Distinctions of Wealth.
To Your Abundant Future,
Margarete Nielsen
Director of Marketing
Hay House, Inc.
Zealous fan of 21 Distinctions of Wealth
P.S.: Here are reviews from 13 people you may recognize:
"It's time for you to attract all the wealth you want now by reading this great book and activating Peggy's perfect 'demandment'."
— Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul®
"Abundance is your birthright ... however, awareness is the key to attraction. I have watched Peggy McColl study, manifest and teach this information for 25 years. If you want abundance, she can sure show you how to get it."
— Bob Proctor, best-selling author of You Were Born Rich
"Peggy McColl has done it again! 21 Distinctions of Wealth seizes the essence of universal principles in a way that makes manifesting abundance simple, exciting, empowering, and not only possible but probable. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting a more prosperous future!"
— Crystal Andrus, best-selling author of Simply…Woman!
"The 21 Distinctions of Wealth can help you to attract the abundance you deserve in your life, just as the subtitle says. Every one of us has the capability of creating a life of prosperity, abundance, happiness, and fulfillment. Peggy McColl's clear writing shows us the way. Read it carefully, work and play with it in your life — and prepare yourself for some truly remarkable results! "
— Marc Allen, author of The Millionaire Course and The Greatest Secret of All
"In this brilliant book, Peggy McColl reveals the wisest and most profound principles to help you bring more wealth into every area of your life. Apply these principles today and be ready for an avalanche of abundance."
— Marci Shimoff, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Happy for No Reason, and featured teacher in The Secret
“Peggy McColl's 21 Distinctions of Wealth offers truly inspiring advice on how to achieve real abundance in every arena of your life. You'll find yourself turning to it again and again for its practical techniques, life-altering insights, and motivating affirmations. This book will surely turn your energy around!”
— Sandra Anne Taylor, New York Times best-selling author of Quantum Success
"This book is an instant classic! Simple, powerful and brilliant. Peggy McColl teaches us how to bring more abundance into our lives, our relationships, and our world. I love this book."
— Kurek Ashley, international best-selling author of How Would Love Respond?
"Inspiring! In this great book, Peggy leads you through an easy process to experience more abundance in your life starting today! This may become your bible as you carry it with you everywhere and prosper in unimaginable ways."
— Dr. Joe Vitale, author of The Key and The Attractor Factor
"Put these 21 Distinctions of Wealth to work in your life, and watch the effortless, positive transformation begin to flow."
— Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., author of Five Wishes: How Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come True
"Lots of people complain about a lack of wealth. Peggy McColl has done something about it. She has cut through the clutter and identified 21 Distinctions of Wealth that are available to each and every one of us. If you faithfully follow her plan, scarcity will melt away and you’ll start attracting the abundance in your life that is your true destiny."
— Steve Sanduski, New York Times best-selling author of Avalanche: The 9 Principles for Uncovering True Wealth
"Peggy McColl has created a phenomenal work that combines spirituality with a practical system to create and manifest wealth in your life. Her underlying philosophy penetrates our core and provides an enlightened view of success and wealth."
— David Riklan, founder of The # 1 Self-Improvement Website on the Internet
"New York Times best-selling author Peggy McColl has written a new book, 21 Distinctions of Wealth, that is an essential resource for anyone who wants to wake up to experience the joyful abundance our world has to offer."
— Robert McDowell, author of Poetry as Spiritual Practice
“If it’s wealth you desire, read this book. Peggy McColl is an inspiring teacher and a self-made woman who is uniquely qualified to set you on the path to greater abundance in all areas of your life.”
— Debbie Ford, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers and Why Good People Do Bad Things
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